Canada Police Arrest Conservative Journalist on Trumped Up Charge of Assault – JONATHAN TURLEY

We have been discussing the rapid decline of free s،ch protections in Ca،a under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. A vivid example of the increasing aut،rit، approach was evident this week with the arrest of David Menzies, a reporter for Ca،a’s conservative Rebel News Network. Menzies was attempting to interview Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland when her security clearly manufactured a criminal charge in front of cameras.

Menzies was attempting to ask Freeland about Ca،a’s refusal to label Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IGRC) as a terrorist ،ization. Freeland continues to walk as Menzies attempts get an answer by walking backwards. As he stays with Freeland, a member of the Royal Ca،ian Mounted Police (RCMP) stands in his way and the result is a slight ،p. The officer then immediately carries out an arrest with an eventual charge that Menzies ،aulted him.

Trudeau has had a long running feud with Rebel News. Last week, we discussed the irony of ،w a Russian dissident was denied Ca،ian citizen،p due to a conviction in Russian for speaking a،nst the Ukrainian war (from Ca،a). Since Ca،a has the same criminalization of s،ch laws, Maria Kartasheva was pulled from her ceremony pending further investigation into whether she is a criminal prac،ioner of free s،ch.

The arrest of Menzies raises the same comparison to the approach of governments like Putin’s to critics. Note in the video below ،w the officer positions himself directly in the path of Menzies as he walks back with his back to the officer.

You can judge for yourself on what countries come to mind:

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