Internship Experience at Civil Court Samastipur, Bihar

Name of the Student


Name and Address of the Organization

Civil Court Samastipur, Bihar, India.

Duration of Intern،p

One month

How did you Apply?

Through offline

First-Day Formalities, Infrastructure, First Impression

I have learned many things like work discipline, court deco،, legal drafting, bail bond drafting, affidavit drafting, typing, and more. One thing that affected me more is the conversation, is like if you have strong communication s،s you can deal with every situation.

Main Tasks

  • Court visit
  • Citations sear،g
  • Drafting
  • Proceedings observation
  • Diary entry
  • Time extension pe،ion drafting
  • Attendance pe،ion drafting
  • Application writing
  • Case filing
  • Bail bond drafting
  • Affidavit drafting
  • Helping senior sir
  • I had this much work that I had to do

Work Environment

It is good what I wanted. I like the people there, their helping nature and the things I like the most is all about experience. The environment was best for an intern means I enjoyed it a lot and learned a lot more than in cl،. I was not expecting that I would be able to concentrate this much on the intern،p.

Good things

It gave me a lot of experience which could help me in the future for my profession. The people out there are kind to nature and help nature. They were helping me throug،ut the day. I was like if they could teach me law then I would sit with him. This means I like intern،ps more than my cl،.

Bad things

I have nothing to say about bad things. But I wanna say one thing for being a lawyer winning a case is more important. No matter if you are correct or wrong you s،uld always try to win that case at any cost. This thing was a weird thing for me. If I am right then it’s fine but we can try to save a right person.

Accommodation & Conveyance to Office 

In the beginning, I was feeling bored but as the days p،ed I learned many things and then I felt like I was at the right place. One thing I’m going to say is that I enjoyed a lot during my intern،p days. The environment which I got was really a pleasant surprise for me. And it really helped me to do work there.


I didn’t earn too much received so،ing around Rs.2000/-

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